Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Sunny Day!!!

Well, it seems as if fall is trying to make up for our rainy summer weather.... what a gorgeous day! Thea and I are going down to Dallas Rd. today after her nap. She really likes going down to the ocean and watching the waves doing their thing.

It is so nice finally having our place get a little more organized. It feels like it has been forever just fighting with the housework bu
t finally it feels like I'm getting on top of things. There is still stuff to do but it isn't quite as overwhelming now.

I am going to be competing in a bardic competition in early December at a local SCA event. Not sure what I am going to be performing yet but I figure it's time to put my hand back into things. I am also going to try and get some evening Christmas/seasonal gigs so if you know anyone in Victoria who wants a harpist/singer for their party, please get in touch with me!

Here are some more pictures of recent stuff (mostly me and family). It has been wonderful seeing Thea grow. I was thinking of how people keep saying how fast the time goes when you have children. I am thinking that maybe time goes just as fast when you _don't_ have kids but having them around is like carrying a measuring stick with you everywhere. For instance, the difference in me turning 30 this year as opposed to turning 28 two years ago is not that great from a physical or mental developmental standpoint. I expect the difference between Thea turning 1 year old and turning 3 years old will be _significant_. In a way it is kind of nice having that measure. This was the years won't just be passing by unnoticed until one day I look in the mirror and find that I am no longer 30 but am 45 (or however old).

Speaking of my little darling, I must go and give her a cuddle and put her down for her nap. Hope all is well in the wide world today...


Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Naughty Blogger!!!

Okay, so it has been, like, 7 months or something since I last posted... LOTS has happened (most recently, I moved our computers out into our dining nook so that we can use them while Thea is napping in her nursery. Where to start...

Being Thea's mom has been the most rewarding experience of my life. She is a total joy! I am such a lucky mom (and everyone knows it!)

Thea has six teeth right now (four on the top, two on the bottom). She has been eating solid foods for three months (mixed baby cereals, baby food, etc.) We just started her eating "grown-up" foods a few weeks ago (she LOVES eating pasta and it is really cute when she figures out that she can suck a strand of spaghetti up). She REALLY likes broccoli and cheese sauce and grapes for desert.
She and I often go swimming at Gordon Head Rec Center where I have a pass. We also go to the Commonwealth Pool sometimes but it is usually so crowded and when they have lessons we have to leave (which we don't have to do at Gordon Head) so we tend to make the longer tr
ip and go to our favorite pool (Gordon Head).

We haven't been out walking as much as I would like (my own fault for getting too involved in housework and/or lazy to get out). My resolution is to try and go out walking at least three mornings a week (though, I suppose, I should start with just
going for ONE walk). Today looks like the day for it. The sun is shining and it is a beautiful windy fall day. As soon as she is up from her morning nap we will go (and maybe swimming after that).

I am starting a part-time job at the new Saje store in Mayfair Mall in a week and a half. I am soooo happy they are finally opening a store in Victoria again (even if only to feed my Saje habit... gotta have it!!!) I will be working there Saturda
ys and Sundays so any of you who are local come on down and see us! The store is having it's grand opening the weekend of the 24th of October.

Colin is doing very well at work (though I am really happy he has cut back on his late nights recently). He was promoted to assistant manager of the body shop (he is already the asst. man. of the parts dept). I am really hoping that this current economic situation doesn't hit us too badly (though I think the auto industry might get hit pretty hard by the things that are going on. He has been playing a lot of Warcraft lately (which is also okay with me as long as it's in moderation) while taking care of Thea so that I am able to have some time to myself.

Well, I had best make use of my precious free nap time to have a shower and feel human for a little while before I go back to my Mommy Doodies (oops... I mean: Duties) I really hope that you are all doing well. Please feel free to post comments or (gasp) send me an email if you have a moment. I am on Facebook now as well so I can be contacted that way too.

Love to you all!