Thursday, April 27, 2006

As many of you may know I am starting my own production company right now aimed at producing my own folk/celtic music (and, in time, music of other young musicians). To that end I have created a marketing questionnaire to find out more about the people who listen to my music and what they want to hear on my next album. If you would like to take the time to fill this out I would be ever so thankful (just copy and paste the questionnaire text into an e-mail, enter your answers and then send it to me). Feel free to answer only what you feel comfortable answering. At the end of the questionnaire please e-mail me at: As a "thank you" for filling this out and helping me, I will send you an electronic "buy one, get one free" coupon for my next CD with a unique id number that will be tracked. Please be assured that any and ALL information you send to me will be held in strictest confidentiality and will not be shared, sold or in any other way distributed to anyone else. Thank you for helping me out with this.
For sound samples and further information please visit my website at:
PERSONAL INFORMATION (for marketing purposes only)
Phone number:
May we contact you with updates periodically?
Age Range: 0-24, 25-34, 35-44, 45-54, 55-64, 65+
Highest Level of Education Completed: Elementary, High School, Post-Secondary
Salary Range: $0 - $24 999, $25 000 - $49 999, $50 000 - $99 999, $100 000+
What are your hobbies and interests?
Would you like to be on our e-mailing list? (If so please be sure to include your e-mail address)
How did you find out about Sara and/or her music?
Which radio stations do you listen to (and what type of station is it; i.e. Pop/Rock, Classical, Talk, etc)?
What is your favorite genre(s) of music? (i.e. Jazz, Folk/Roots, Classical, etc.)
What are your top 5 favorite songs in that/those genre(s):
What are your top 5 favorite songs of all time?
Who is your favorite musical group/performer?
How many CDs/downloads/etc. did you purchase in the last year?
Which format(s) do you prefer your music in? (i.e. CD, MP3, etc.)
Do you prefer to download music by the song or by the album?
Where do you want to be able to purchase Sara's music from?
What 3 songs do you want to hear on Sara's next album?
Do you have any further comments or suggestions?


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