Today is a day I, and many of my fans, friends and family have been waiting for: CELTIC ANGEL HAS ARRIVED!!!
Anyone who would like to order a copy, please e-mail me at: contactme@saraquist.com
I am going to have sound samples on my website (along with other content) by the end of January.
There will be a press release along with a Celtic Angel release concert in the spring.
Thank you all for being such a big part of this project! I could not have done it without all the words of encouragement and support!
New job and windy weather
Well, I started my job at the Ministry of Educations exam processing place on Thursday. The job is pretty simple and mostly involves sorting exams by grade and subject and then bundling them and palleting them. The first day was good... a little hard on my body but good non-the-less.
I went in this morning and was only kept there for an hour as the wind last night wreaked havok with the power all over the CRD (capital regional district of Victoria). Our power was out so the warehouse was cold and dark.
So I ended up spending most of today reading and napping. It was _very_ nice. Then I went out with my friend Kim to some people's place and brought Ninja Burger along. We played a game and then headed downtown to catch opening night of Eragon (which was all right if you make no references to the book - the movie is only very loosely based on it). I really loved the special effects (the baby dragon was SOOO cute... I want one!) Then I came home and got my place ready for a massage client tomorrow (my second one since I came here and the first one for chair massage).
I will be doing the chair massage tomorrow morning at 9:30. My client did something to her back and I am hoping to help her with it somewhat. If all goes well I should have another mouth to spread the word for me. I am hoping that between the exam sorting job and working on promoting massage I will keep busy until summer when (hopefully) I will be kept busy with all sorts of music tours and festivals and the like.
I hope that all my friends on the mainland are doing well. If any of you feel like coming to visit, drop me a line. I would love to see you!
I also hope everyone has a happy and safe holiday season. Much love to you...
A long time gone...
Hello one and all! I am finally getting back to the blog after a full and busy summer and fall.
I moved back to Victoria about a month ago and for those of you who do not have my new number yet it is: (250) 889-1842.
I am still getting on my feet over here. I started working at a company that is WAY out of town and when the snow hit my car-pool couldn't drive there. It made me very aware of my lack of transportation and the troubles that it could cause if I continued working there. Plus I wasn't finding the job in the least bit rewarding.
Unemployment has been stressful but I am getting a lot done. I have been practicing harp every day and thinking about plans for the next CD. Celtic Angel is due sometime next week (honestly, it is!) I know there have been a lot of delays but I just got the proofs today and they look good so it should be full steam ahead.
If you are one of those who wants to buy a copy or two (or ten). Please drop me an e-mail at: contactme@saraquist.com
Despite all the trials and tribulations right now I am happier than I have been in over a year. I kept thinking that I was just unhappy because I wasn't living "at home"... turns out I was right. I have been spending time with most of the people that I missed, some I haven't had a chance to see yet but still plan to. As much as things have changed, one thing has not. I still love my friends and they still love me.
Life is good! :)