Saturday, December 16, 2006

New job and windy weather

Well, I started my job at the Ministry of Educations exam processing place on Thursday. The job is pretty simple and mostly involves sorting exams by grade and subject and then bundling them and palleting them. The first day was good... a little hard on my body but good non-the-less.
I went in this morning and was only kept there for an hour as the wind last night wreaked havok with the power all over the CRD (capital regional district of Victoria). Our power was out so the warehouse was cold and dark.

So I ended up spending most of today reading and napping. It was _very_ nice. Then I went out with my friend Kim to some people's place and brought Ninja Burger along. We played a game and then headed downtown to catch opening night of Eragon (which was all right if you make no references to the book - the movie is only very loosely based on it). I really loved the special effects (the baby dragon was SOOO cute... I want one!) Then I came home and got my place ready for a massage client tomorrow (my second one since I came here and the first one for chair massage).

I will be doing the chair massage tomorrow morning at 9:30. My client did something to her back and I am hoping to help her with it somewhat. If all goes well I should have another mouth to spread the word for me. I am hoping that between the exam sorting job and working on promoting massage I will keep busy until summer when (hopefully) I will be kept busy with all sorts of music tours and festivals and the like.

I hope that all my friends on the mainland are doing well. If any of you feel like coming to visit, drop me a line. I would love to see you!
I also hope everyone has a happy and safe holiday season. Much love to you...


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