In praise of my man...
I realized after posting yesterday that I didn't do _nearly_ enough bragging about how wonderful Colin is in my post.
As an example of how wonderful he is I shall give you a snapshot of yesterday evening:
Colin came home promptly at 5:35 and we gave each other a BIIIIIIIGGG hug at the door. We then crashed down on the couch and had some good cuddle time before I launched into showing him all the unpacking/organizing I had done during the day and pointed where I had put his stuff to organize later. At this point I decided dinner needed fixing so I started to head to the kitchen when he asked, "Do you want me to organized my stuff or help you with dinner?" (sigh... I LOVE this guy!)
So we went off and fixed dinner together (we made a YUMMY casserole of white cheddar mac and cheese with ham and oriental veggies with garlic, hot pepper and seasoning... soooo tasty!) and then watched a bunch of Buffy together. After that we climbed into bed and snuggled till we fell asleep in each other's arms.
Now, this may all sound pretty average except for the fact that during the dinner making he was helping with food prep, keeping up with all the dishes I was making, and saying sweet, wonderful, silly things to me the whole time. Then during Buffy he started massaging my hands and feet with body butter (and HE was the one on his feet at work all day).
I suppose those are little things but I find that the little things are what make life beautiful, happy and sweet.
Sigh... he treats me so good! :D
Happy life...
This picture of Colin and I is from right after the Carmina Burnana concert in Port Alberni.
Well, the first of 2 Carmina Burana concerts is done. Colin and I travelled up to Port Alberni on March 3rd both to visit with my parents and for me to sing in (and have the family attend) Carmina Burana with Prima Youth Choir. The concert is going to be put on in Victoria on April 1 (no foolin'!) at the Victoria Conservatory of Music (Pandora at Vancouver). Tickets are $12.00 each.
I am singing two solos in the piece. The first is a short solo with in the "Coeurs d'amors" section of the Carmina and the second is the infamous "Dulcissime" (which is a really REALLY high, very short solo meant to bring down the house).
While I got a lot of positive feedback from the first concert, I couldn't help wishing that I hadn't had to rehearse the entire work right before the concert (as my voice was completely exhausted by the time I had to sing the Dulcissime at the end of the work and ended up being kinda shaky and squeeky). At any rate, live and learn. I am planning on "marking" (a musical term for singing lightly or down an octave) at the next rehearsal that happens right before the concert so that I am better equipped to handle the uber-high D in the piece.
All in all I am realy looking forward to this opportunity to wow Victoria with my new skills.
In other news, the wedding plans are going well. We put our rings into production on Tuesday and the "waxes" should be ready by the end of this week for our approval. After that it should take about three weeks for the rings to be ready (giving us a months grace before the actual wedding). We got our marriage licence last week and are going to go for a Sunday drive in Sidney this week to figure out the exact location for the happy day.
Last weekend we went over to Vancouver to visit with Colin's family and so that I could provide relaxation massage for some clients over there. We also had a fabulous time staying with Mike and Jessica and their wonderful pets. Thanks for providing us with such a wonderful place to stay, you guys!
On the Sunday we had to do a bunch of running around (due to some foiled family plans). However, we were able to get most of the things we wanted to done. We dropped by Granville Island (where I picked up some replacement journals and Colin bought me a BEAUTIFUL moonstone necklace for the wedding). We were also able to stop by the Saje stores at W. 4th at Robson St. to say "hello" to all the wonderful Sajers (I miss you!).
Our trip to the "big" city was successful but it was SOOOOOO nice to come home to the island!
When I was living in Vancouver and so homesick for Victoria I wondered if I wasn't just idealizing it. Having moved back I am happy to report that I absolutely did NOT! :) I love it here on the island. The air is clean, you can look people on the street in the face and smile, and the skies are not cloudy all day...
Well, I will be sending out wedding invites (mostly via e-mail) in the next few weeks. IF YOU DON'T GET ONE AND THINK THAT YOU SHOULD: please get in touch with me. It is most likely an oversight and/or I have misplaced your contact info. Likewise if you are talking to someone and _they_ think they have been missed out in the invite process. Let me know. As I have said before, Colin and I want ALL of our good friends to be there. So unless you hear otherwise (or feel uncomfortable) please PLEASE come out and have a blast at our wedding ritual on May 19th.
See you all there!
I just wanted to let everyone know that while Colin and I are currently _trying_ to have a baby, we are not actually pregnant yet. Please be assured that I WILL be telling everyone and anyone when I am! :)
Today we had good news... we have booked our Wiccan priest and priestess to bless our wedding on the 19th of May. I was a little worried that we had left it too late but, as everything seems to, it has worked out!
I am sooooo excited! I can hardly wait for the next two months to pass (even though there is LOTS to do between now and then).
In other news... my contract with the provincial government has come to an end and I am beginning training next week with Healing Hands Chair Massage here in Victoria. I am hoping to become one of their on-site practitioners as well as one of their trainers (one day). If you know of any offices that would be interested in having chair massage for their employees in the Greater Victoria area, please feel free to get in touch with me (or with Bob Hanley of Healing Hands). It looks like the company is in a growth stage right now.
I am so happy to be getting back into something I love doing for a living!
This week has also been good for CD promotion. Celtic Angel is now available in the following locations in Victoria: Long and McQuade (at Hillside), Triple Spiral Metaphysical Shop (in Fan Tan Alley), and Avalon Books (in Market Square). Please feel free to go in to any of these locations and buy ALL their copies so they need to re-order (Celtic Angel makes an EXCELLENT Mother's Day gift).
Much love to all of you!
February Stress is DONE!!! :)
I am soooo happy that February is finished! I am now fully moved in (though still getting out of boxes) and we are getting all the wedding preparations underway. For those of you planning on attending (and you are invited unless we say otherwise... or common sense tells you that it would be better you didn't) the wedding will be taking place Saturday, May 19th at approximately 3:00 pm at a public park somewhere (TBA) in Sidney. We kindly request NO PRESENTS. This is mostly due to the fact that we are having enough problems finding places for our things right now... no need to add to the clutter.
If you are feeling a driving need to contribute to our married lives together, we respectfully are asking for donations to our house fund. As we would like to start a family SOON we are probably going to have a major need for more space and as such the gift of funding this project is something we would appreciate no end!
On to the fun stuff though... after the wedding ritual (which will be pagan in nature for those of you who might be sensitive to such things) we will most likely be having a potluck dinner/party at the home of John and Marjorie Tate (Colin's parents) from 5:00 pm until 8:00 pm.
We are not sure yet how many they will be comfortable hosting. We may end up needing to limit numbers and I apologize in advance to those of you who may get excluded (but hopefully this won't be an issue).
Thank you to everyone for your congratulations. I am really looking forward to this union between Colin and I and this re-union between old and new friends. For anyone who needs to get in touch with me, please e-mail:
See you all soon!