Thursday, March 08, 2007

February Stress is DONE!!! :)

I am soooo happy that February is finished! I am now fully moved in (though still getting out of boxes) and we are getting all the wedding preparations underway. For those of you planning on attending (and you are invited unless we say otherwise... or common sense tells you that it would be better you didn't) the wedding will be taking place Saturday, May 19th at approximately 3:00 pm at a public park somewhere (TBA) in Sidney. We kindly request NO PRESENTS. This is mostly due to the fact that we are having enough problems finding places for our things right now... no need to add to the clutter.

If you are feeling a driving need to contribute to our married lives together, we respectfully are asking for donations to our house fund. As we would like to start a family SOON we are probably going to have a major need for more space and as such the gift of funding this project is something we would appreciate no end!

On to the fun stuff though... after the wedding ritual (which will be pagan in nature for those of you who might be sensitive to such things) we will most likely be having a potluck dinner/party at the home of John and Marjorie Tate (Colin's parents) from 5:00 pm until 8:00 pm.
We are not sure yet how many they will be comfortable hosting. We may end up needing to limit numbers and I apologize in advance to those of you who may get excluded (but hopefully this won't be an issue).

Thank you to everyone for your congratulations. I am really looking forward to this union between Colin and I and this re-union between old and new friends. For anyone who needs to get in touch with me, please e-mail:

See you all soon!


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