(Picture of Derek's camping van)
Ahhh... So far, a morning with no chaos! It is a beautiful, sunny day and I am looking forward to day 2 of 4 of chair massage today. Yesterday was REALLY busy at the store. I did three and a half hours of chair massage over a five hour period (which seems spaced out but really isn't). I had a great time with all of my customers and used good techniques so that my thumb is only mildly aching this morning (which it has been doing every morning anyways).
Both vehicals are up and happily running and giving us noooo problems. Derek is probably going to be cleaning the van up today (and we might be selling it so if you know anyone dying to buy a sweet looking brown with tan stripes '81 Chevy Van decked out with a convertable couch/bed built into the back, installed inverter and lights, with brown velvet interior and a really sweet set of speakers let me know - picture above). I have been bemoaning the fact that I don't like driving the van in the city (too big and hard to park). Derek loves the van but is beginning to realize that if he ever wants to drive his cute little Miata again he will need to distract me with a vehical I am more likely to drive.
For better or worse, the updated (more useful) website should be live tonight with CONTENT of all things! (gasp) Feedback on it is GREATLY appreciated! As soon as I get some new recordings done with voice and harp I will be adding clips both to the website and to my blogspot profile (seeing as the ones up now are from 2000 and my voice and style have changed a fair amount after six years, three spent studying opera and classical repertoire).
If the weather is good on Tuesday keep a look out for my busking times here on my blog if you are interested in coming down to see me.
Enjoy the gorgeous day! :)
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