On dragons and dragonflies...

As I have mentioned in a previous post we are selling out '81 Chevy Van. I have been amazed at the number of responses we have been getting the posts we have put out there but we have yet to show the van. If you know anyone looking for a van with GREAT camping potential please send them my way.
Well, next week is the big IABC Gold Quill Banquet happening at the Hotel Vancouver and I am going to be harping and singing for it. I am truly excited about this opportunity. I have been organizing my repertoire to best highlight my talents and am really hoping that this will be the next big step in forwarding my music career.
In terms of where I am with things right now: I have picked out the songs that I want to be on my next CD and have made most of them "Folk Hits" (i.e. Greensleeves, Danny Boy, etc.) I will likely throw a couple of original tunes and a couple of more obscure ones on there just to mix things up a little bit. In making my first CD (Aria A cappella) and selling it the one largest contributing factor to whether someone decides to buy it or not seems to be whether they recognize the songs or not (and since most of the songs on that album are relatively obscure I have lost a few sales this way). I guess you have to establish yourself with things people know and are familiar with first before they will buy it strictly based on the "brand name" or talent alone. Feedback on this would be GREATLY appreciated.
Also I have made up a tentative cover for the CD and will be working on a label soon. In terms of recording: as soon as I have arranged the songs to my satisfaction I will be heading to a studio in Richmond to lay down the tracks and get to editing. The tentative release date is still late August/early September.
I love that SCA camping season has begun again. Our next event is in a week and a half and should be fun. It is an annual event called Sealion War between the Baronies of Seagirt (Victoria) and Lions Gate (Vancouver). It is a great group of people to hang out with and an event I look forward to every year. I will post on how it goes.
Of course, I will be sewing this week and next in preparation for the event. It is really nice having Derek to travel to events with. He is a very good inspiration to finally get my act together in terms of SCA organization etc. At the last event we bought a brazier (for $40... a TOTAL steal!) so now we are able to have a fire at our encampment in almost all events (except in the case of a total fire ban). I am trying to figure out the most cost effective way to put together a pavilion so that we have a little more room when spending time at long events (and I DO want to make it to Pennsic this year).
Massage is still going well. I did four days in a row (though the first day I didn't actually have anyone come in for one ): and I am feeling pretty good. My thumbs are a _little_ bit sore but that should pass by the end of today.
I will most likely be doing massage at a Yogathon this weekend on Saturday. I don't know the details yet but I will post more as I know more.
Well, I'm off to have a nice, relaxing day off... cleaning... and practicing harp... and maybe going to rapier tonight... hmmm.... I'm gonna be busy!
Thanks for the music feedback... the next album is already planned as a harp/voice album for exactly the reason you mentioned.
I would love to have you camp with us at Sealion... I think that Derek and I will be camping with: Hugh (Vincent the Chased), Dorothy (Gwynna) and Jessica (Christine the Good) but another tent around the fire is ALWAYS a good thing!
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