Singing lessons...

It has been a while since I had a voice student and I am happy to say that I am now teaching a gentleman who has both talent and (it seems) drive. It is a very refreshing thing to teach someone actually interested in learning and working on the things you have to show them.
I have tonight free and think I might try dropping by the Academie Duello (a western martial arts academy run by my friends Devon and Randy). Getting back into rapier is something I have been only talking about for long enough. It is time to get back into the game. One person commented (when I asked what my motivation should be) that I should go back simply for the love of the game. This seems like very good advice. I will keep everyone posted on how it is going.
I have also been more motivated to sew lately. It seems that there are too few hours in the day for all I am longing to accomplish these days but at least I am having fun being out in the world. It is as if I needed a good long break from school to get myself back into the swing of things in the real world.
On May 25 (two days from now) it will be exactly one year since I graduated from music school. I have learned a lot in that time about business, music, life and love. It is said by some that the ages of man go in seven year cycles. If this is true I am entering the next phase of my life this summer. I can hardly wait to see where it will lead.
I have started harping up a storm again. It is now two weeks until my big gig at the IABC conference downtown at the Hotel Vancouver. I'm both excited and a little nervous. In the past several months I have been spending a fair amount of time talking with different business people about how to get started and succeed. I still don't know how much of what I have learned is applicable to the business of music but the one thing that everyone says that resonates with me is this:
Just Begin!
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