Visitors and journeys...

A picture of (clockwise from top middle) Dorothy (Gwynna), Jessica (Christine), Briga (Sarah), and Mog (Megan) at Daffodil Tourney earlier this year.
I had a really fun couple of days yesterday and the day before. Anthony (from Australia) made it safely to Vancouver Airport (though he had to wait through an hour and a half delay between San Francisco and here) and met me (drinking beer at the pub at arrivals because, really, what else is there to do while waiting for a plane to arrive?).
So we dropped off his things at my place and we picked up Derek then went to the Cactus Club for a late dinner (it was Bellini special's night too... YUM!).
The next day Anthony and I were up early and off to pick up his friend Joe from the ferry. We then proceeded to pop by Saje, get groceries and then head off to Buntzen Lake (I LOVE THAT PLACE!).
The lake was perfection. We had a great picnic lunch down by the water and watched the baby squirrels, goslings, and humans all playing on the beach and near out bench. The sunshine was perfect, there was a light, mild breeze and the mountains rising out of the lake were beckoning.
After lunch we went for a half hour walk to the first lookout point where I dandled my feet in the water (which was VERY cold) and just hang out enjoying the day.
I met a couple of guys there, Jeff and Dave (I think... I am SO bad with names) and their gorgeous Malamute, Gus. It sounds like the lake is going to be a GREAT place to go swimming in late summer (which means I will probably be dragging many of you with me to keep me company).
After the lake we drove back to town and I sent Anthony and Joe off to get settled in their hotel room while I prepared for a BBQ at our place that evening.
We made shishkabobs, bavarian smokies and BBQ chicken... the neighbors MUST have been salivating like CRAZY! It was a wonderful dinner and we had a nice fruit salad for dessert. After dinner Anthony and Joe started back to their hotel room only to return ten minutes later for a song or two and to cover the dinner expenses (thank you very much! :)
It was a really nice evening and left time for Derek and I to get the place in some semblance of order before sleep.
Today is the day of preparations. I still haven't finished sewing (surprise, surprise) but I think I should have enough time to get what I need to done. All four of us (Derek, Dorothy, Jessica and I) can hardly wait for tomorrow (and we are REALLY crossing our fingers for good weather at the site).
The plan is to pick up Jessica's stuff at 3:00, go to Costco to get supplies, pick up Dorothy's stuff at 5:30 or 6:00 then come home and have MORE BBQ shishkabobs (with leftovers - yummy). After sustainance enters my system it will be time to pack Derek's and my things into the van. Tomorrow morning Jessica and Dorothy are going to magically appear at our doorstep at 8:30 and it is off to the event go we! If we leave on time we should be there shortly after noon (barring any hold-ups... of which there won't be any... right?).
Well... it's off to start! Have a great weekend everyone!
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