Rapier is GOOD!

I had a great time at Academie Duello last night. The warm-ups were both fun and challenging. I am doing my best to push myself only as far as I can _without_ injuring myself (a mistake I have made a few times previously). I also realized that I really want to become a cadet again. It has been a long mental process getting over blocks that were holding me back. I may not be entirely over those blocks but I am willing to give it a go now. I am really looking forward to my next practice.
The way they teach at Academie is excellent. At other practices I have been at there is (usually) about 1/3 of the time spent on drills and any teaching that might occur in a given week. The remainder of the time ends up being fighting time. It may be that the practices I have been to have changed since I have been away but I must say that I very much appreciate the way they do things at the Academie, with most of the time being devoted to general fitness and strength training (about 1 hour) and learning techniques (about one and a half hours) and then having some free fight time at the end of the class.
I was also very happy that Derek came with me to the practice. In past years of rapier I haven't really understood how important it has been to have my "inspiration" present but it really did help. I can't tell if it is just knowing that he will understand at the end of the day what it was I went through, or just having the sense of joy knowing he is there supporting me. Thank you Derek!
I am really hoping that my friend, Conan, will come out and try it. He has a fascination with weapons in general and I think he would have a really good time. For anyone else interested you might like to check out a workshop happening at the Academie Duello this Friday night. It is an Introduction to Italian Swordplay. They have more information on their website at:
Today truly feels like a day off. Even though I will be doing a lot of housework later on and QUITE a lot of harp practicing I feel energetic and rested. I am ready to do my four days of massage in a row. I will be at the Robson St. Saje tomorrow (Thursday) and Friday and then at the W. 4th Saje Saturday and Sunday (for those of you needing some work done on your backs).
I may also get time to do some sewing. I would really like to get a T-tunic and a few pairs of pants done for Derek by Sealion War (June 9-11 in Aldergrove). Summer is soooo busy! I am already booked through until the end of July with a huge chunk of August taken up by (hopefully) Pennsic.
Well, it's off to the cleaning go I... Yay! :)
I'll probably be taking the tuesday or wednesday beginner classes starting in June. ;)
COOL! Let me know what night you are starting so I can make sure to be there!
heh, this is in the same building as my Taichi :) I can hear them being noisy when we practice.
Heehee... what time do you do Taichi? We should meet up sometime before/after practice.
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