SCA preparations

Today is one of those cleaning/errand/get as much stuff done as I can sort of days.
My friend Anthony is coming from Australia to visit for Tuesday and Wednesday and then I have Thursday to finish all my sewing for the weekend (which is going very well), do all the supplies shopping, pick up Dorothy and her stuff, pick up Jessica and her stuff and potentially go to rapier pratice in New West (though that may have to wait yet another week if I can't get everything else done in time).
So today I am going to tackle as many of these things ahead of time as I can.
My sewing project (bodice and skirt) has been going really well. I spent all of Thursday (before swimming) getting my pattern drafted and laid out. On Friday the plan was to sew the red velvet bodice and the red silk skirt. Then I got to thinking, "Wouldn't it be more efficient to make a BUNCH of bodices all at once now that I have the pattern?"
So most of Friday was spent cutting out the eight copies of the bodice (four of the outter fabric and four copies of lining fabric). I also got mostly finished the first one and am quite pleased with the results (although it isn't quite as fitted as I would like... something to work on with the next couple tries) seen above.
I am also making a T-tunic for Derek (for those of you not familiar with this garment it is like an over long t-shirt with long sleeves). This will be better for him to do archery in. I am also hoping that I have time to whip up a couple pairs of pants for him as all he has right now are some sweat pants and some pj pants (which do work in a pinch but it would be great if he could have matching ensembles).
So I am off to do my massive house cleaning (well... not really massive, just time consuming). Then maybe a little time in the sun would be good... it is a beautiful day after all!
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