Friday, May 05, 2006

The best laid plans o' mice and men...

I had a really great time on Thursday with my friend Dorothy. It was beautifully sunny so after spending about three or four hours working on my mock up for the new outfit I am sewing I went and picked up Dorothy. She and I then went out to the UBC outdoor pool and had fun making trouble in the deep end (we both think that it is INCREDIBLY silly that they have that beautiful large pool outside divided only into constant swimming lanes with no area for people just to play in).
After that we headed to Capers to go grocery shopping (which was fun but a LITTLE more exprensive than originally planned for this shopping trip). The plan for the rest of the evening was to try to make it to SCA Rapier practice but by the time I got home and unloaded the practice (which is about a 45 minute drive from my house) had already been going to about 20 minutes (and we would have had to leave early anyways).
Ah well... one of these days... I just hope that I do start getting back into fencing before the summer is gone. Camping events are sooo much fun.


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